AMD Epyc 7272 2.9GHz Processor 12 Core for Socket SP3 Tray
CPU Processors

AMD Epyc 7272 2.9GHz Processor 12 Core for Socket SP3 Tray Code: 33959015

The AMD Epyc 7272 processor is based on the Zen 2 microarchitecture (2019). It has 12 cores with 24 Threads. More cores provide increased power for programs that take advantage of a larger number of cores. Threads allow the processor to execute multiple applications simultaneously, performing tasks faster. Its maximum frequency is 3.2 Ghz.


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from 209,09 €

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  1. 209,09 €


The AMD Epyc 7272 processor is based on the Zen 2 microarchitecture (2019). It has 12 cores with 24 Threads. More cores provide increased power for programs that take advantage of a larger number of cores. Threads allow the processor to execute multiple applications simultaneously, performing tasks faster. Its maximum frequency is 3.2 Ghz.

The Cache memory it incorporates is 64 MB. Cache memory is a very important feature as the larger it is, the less time the processor requires to retrieve data from the computer's main memory, significantly increasing performance.

It has the SP3 Socket and will need to be hosted on a motherboard with a corresponding Socket. Finally, a cooler is not included. You will need to purchase a separate cooler for the processor, which is necessary.

The Epyc 7272 is chosen for professional server systems and workstations where high processing power is required in areas such as artificial intelligence and high-performance computing (HPC), thanks to its large memory bandwidth and exceptional I/O.

Processors of the "Zen 2" microarchitecture offer up to 15% higher performance compared to their predecessors and have double the L3 cache memory. They are powered by the AM4 platform, which features technologies such as PCIe 4.0, NVMe, high-speed USB 10Gbps, RAID, and many more. They also have the Precision Boost feature, which essentially enables automatic overclocking of the processor. Finally, it is a less power-hungry microarchitecture.


Main Specifications

Year of Release
Zen 2


Processor Frequency (Base Frequency)
2.9 GHz
Max Processor Frequency
3.2 GHz
Cache memory
64 MB
Thermal Design Power (TDP)
120 W

Features & Functions

Includes Heatsink

Important information

Specifications are collected from official manufacturer websites. Please verify the specifications before proceeding with your final purchase. If you notice any problem you can report it here.

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