Body Sculpture Plus ΒΒ-704 Abdominal Wheel Red
Abs Training Equipment

Body Sculpture Plus ΒΒ-704 Abdominal Wheel Red Code: 33835246

With the abdominal wheel Plus ΒΒ-704 of Body Sculpture, you will strengthen your abdominal muscles and the entire upper body, while also improving your balance. Proper technique is necessary to avoid muscle strain. Kneel on the floor, grasp the handles, and with your abdominal muscles tightened, roll the wheel forward as far as you can while keeping your torso straight. Use your abs, not your hips, to return to the starting position. Rolling is considered one of the most challenging but effective abdominal exercises.

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  1. 14,40 €

  2. 17,90 €

  3. 27,04 €


With the abdominal wheel Plus ΒΒ-704 of Body Sculpture, you will strengthen your abdominal muscles and the entire upper body, while also improving your balance. Proper technique is necessary to avoid muscle strain. Kneel on the floor, grasp the handles, and with your abdominal muscles tightened, roll the wheel forward as far as you can while keeping your torso straight. Use your abs, not your hips, to return to the starting position. Rolling is considered one of the most challenging but effective abdominal exercises.



Important information

Specifications are collected from official manufacturer websites. Please verify the specifications before proceeding with your final purchase. If you notice any problem you can report it here.

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